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Masi Hukari is a composer and multi instrumentalist from Helsinki, Finland. Having a voraciously varied taste in music and an unending curiosity about sound in all it's forms, it seems only natural that the spectrum of his work is spread all over the musical map. He has performed on stage and on albums with the top Finnish rock and metal bands, composed for film and theater, played classical music in chamber and symphony orchestras, improvised freely in numerous and varied settings and performed world music from all over the world. Masi is also active as a record producer for genres ranging from acoustic free jazz, electronic music, soundtracks, folk music and metal. He is currently a member of the folk-rock group Alavala and the progressive metal group Amoral and will be joining Sonata Arctica for their acoustic shows during the summer of 2016 as a guitarist, percussionist and playing woodwinds.

What Between Stations means to me
A Finnish Musician's View

The artist in the modern world resides between stations. It's the distance to the next gig, the next town or country. Between frame and painting. In intangible experiences made of silent anticipations and drifting scenes from an unending road. Between stations our accountability lies in our interaction with the people we meet. Having experienced spectacular nothingness of showbiz, I decided to see the other side. Armed with a skateboard, a flute and a Kanjira I stepped out. I had conversations with the homeless in Wolverhampton, Tel Aviv, Hengelo etc. I put on a street show with a dancer I'd known for five minutes in Barca. I got a life (and cooking) lesson from an old Arab in Istanbul. I listened to the stories of people all over the world and told them mine. And about 13 years ago I met two crazy English poets called Andy Willoughby and Bob Beagrie. They introduced me to a whole new world of expression and even more amazing people.

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